Story Showcase

Community, Trust, Leadership & Belonging

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The Story Showcase is modelled on a community storytelling event, where a number of storytellers tell their stories in front of an audience. Tellers have time limits and there is usually a theme. While a Story Showcase is a great place for participants who have done the story skills workshop to tell their stories, it is also ‘open mic’, where anyone can share their story.

Storytelling is a practice that requires an end point to focus effort and encourage people to take the time to craft, practice and share a story. The more we tell the better we get. The more we listen to and share stories, the more we begin to see, gather and use stories in our work, for communication, connection, persuasion, meaning making and understanding.

A Story Showcase allows people who are developing their storytelling skills to practice, as well as connecting audiences, building community and strengthening a culture of listening. Telling a story is an act of leadership because we are responsible for the journey we take the audience on. Overtime the story skills within the organisation will exponentially improve.

The showcase theme can be around organisational values and purpose, the big questions of life and anything in between, deepening thinking and exploration of individual and group experiences. It may take a while for the showcase to seep into the collective consciousness of the organisation, but eventually it will likely become a much anticipated event on the calendar.

What better way to reward, connect and build community than a monthly or quarterly Showcase at 3pm on a Friday afternoon?

The collective reverberations of the shared experience of listening to each other’s stories will deepen belonging and connection across and to the organisation, the work and each other.