Slide your mind between sheets of secular and sacred, story and idea,

sacrament and profanity, and wait, for grace. 

Tide to the Moon is a story-filled dose of what it means to be human.

Join Kate Lawrence, a practicing storyteller, meditator, nature lover and audio producer, as she shares her musings on what it means to live this ‘one wild and precious life’.

Be reminded, inspired and stirred to examine your own life for deeper meaning, joy and reverence.

Episodes out on the new moon and the full moon.

Tide to the Moon is a podcast about yearning, and learning, to dance with the rhythms of nature.

It chronicles my explorations and experiments to bring more rhythm, ritual and rest into my life.

Each short episode weaves any combination of memoir, essay, poetry and music to offer a slice of life from the little piece of consciousness that resides in this body - me - in this place, the Macedon Ranges, 65 kilometres north west of Melbourne, Australia. Episodes come out on the new moon and the full moon.

I share stories and reflections about my struggles and successes, in living with a rhythm that is life-serving and connected to nature, rather than the breakneck pace of modernity. 

This podcast began with, is tied to and fed by, my attempts to set aside one day a week as a secular day of rest and renewal. 

I want to infuse the hurly burly of my everyday life with a sense of sacred, a touch of magic and mystery; to drink from the wellspring of liminal time and space, and carry this through the rest of my week, and month.

And so I share, in audio form, to keep me honest, to laugh at myself and tell stories about my awkward and imperfect attempts to close the gap between what I believe is good for me and  what I truly want for my life, and the actions I actually take. 

And I hope to make connections with others, listen and share, learn and grow so together we might nurture these seemingly deep and ancient yearnings.

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