Strategic Story Framing for
Organisations and Communities
Story Ground Strategic Story Framing begins with gathering, collating and understanding the stories invisibly weaving the web of ‘who we are and how we do things’; stories that reveal purpose, values, history, scars, identity and futures.
It is a process of listening for the stories that beat at the heart of the organisation, bringing them into the light and with that understanding, co-designing the story the group wants to live into - the culture, structure and processes that will enable an organisation to work together, in new and better ways.
Story sharing has the twin effects of revealing what is happening in the culture, and at the same time helping people understand each other, connect, make better and new meaning, and develop a new way of communicating - human to human storytelling.
The final step is creating the narrative frame that will hold the organisation through the muddy middle of transformation.
Story Work in Communities
Story, in its many forms and faces is the simple yet powerful tool for building trust, community connection and culture, shared history, vision and deep communal values and humanity.
Similar to the work in organisations, Story Ground will design a bespoke process that will use story to capture knowledge and simultaneously build connection within communities.