
Makes Us Human

At the heart of all Story Ground work is connection - to ourselves and each other.

One of the many dances of life is between our inside life and our outside relationships; between our thoughts, beliefs and feelings, and the interactions and connections we have with people, places, animals and events.

It is in growing this connection, both inside and outside, that enables us to change, and draws us into a more equal, connected, meaningful and whole world.

Story bridges the gap between these two, allowing us to reveal who we are and how we make sense of things through the conflict and gripping events of the story.
Story helps us integrate our thoughts, feelings and experiences and so makes us whole.
Story reveals and strengthens our moral compass.

Story is also the vehicle for us to change our lives: our mindset, our paradigms, our world view, and therefore how we experience life.
This is powerful and important individual work. It is also brilliant and necessary collective sense making and vision work.

Story Ground Services

  • Audio Stories and Podcasts: Designing, recording and producing audio, to use the intimacy and malleability of audio to connect,  entertain and enlighten an audience. 

  • Story Projects for Social Justice and Advocacy: designing, facilitating, coaching, hosting and recording people to craft and share their personal stories

  • Strategic Story Framing: Story listening and gathering, narrative framing, story culture, structure and process design for organisations and groups wanting to work together, in new and better ways.

  • Story Memoir Work: The deeply moving and satisfying work of crafting and shaping the stories of our life in written or oral form. Individual Coaching or Story Workshops

  • Personal Story Change Work: Facilitating The Work of Byron Katie - a powerful and practical process to challenge and loosen the hold of stressful stories and beliefs, and see other perspectives.

  • Flow Game Hosting: a way to find clarity, together.

  • Hosting Story Wise Women and Story Wise Men, community storytelling events

Examples of Story Ground Work

  • Producing the community podcast The Covid Crossing

  • Coaching single mothers to share their stories of advocacy in a public event.

  • Workshops in The Work of Byron Katie

  • Workshop and coaching trainers to tell stories to support gender equality.

  • Facilitating a 6 month program with a regional agency, supporting story sharing to enable emotions in the workplace.

  • Community storytelling program - Living in a Gendered World.

  • Facilitating organisation-wide sessions and gathering stories in a local council, about the days, weeks and months after Black Saturday and weaving them together in a cohesive document.

  • Recording interviews with a wide range of voices and weaving together in an audio story of the transformation of the organisation.

  • Ongoing monthly storytelling events for women and men

  • Crafting and performing stories for community, of local historical figures.

Coming Home

A podcast about women’s homelessness.

Story Ground Musings

Mobs We've Worked With