Story Wise Wrap: November 2017
/Hey Story Wise Folks,
It has been a big month, mostly because I passed the milestone of giving a TED talk. Yippee! It was an epic journey that had me learning right up to the middle of the speech, and as I am now embarking on the creative task of podcasting my story of TED talking, it is an adventure that keeps on giving.
By the time you are reading this I will on my way to France to ‘pick up’ my 16 year old daughter who has been away since January. I am so very much looking forward to seeing her, swanning around France with her as interpreter for ten days, and then resettling my back family back together as we move towards the holiday season.
Story Wise story telling nights have finished for the year. I was unable to attend the last Story Wise Woodend and Ann Bolch kindly stepped in to host. It was a small gathering, as was the October night, which is in part why I have decided not to continue hosting the event. I love the community that has developed, but the numbers make it not sustainable for me to keep going.
Story Wise Women, on the other hand finished the year on a wonderful high, with a full list of tellers, a full house of listeners, great stories and much hilarity. And of course there was meaning making, warmth and laughter, connections and conversations. We will return with more events in March 2018.
The Story Wise website has had an overhaul, with greater clarity around the work I do. I am keen to do more work in organisations and communities, using story sharing to patchwork together an overall story, for peer leadership support, to process difficult events, to build culture and connection and as a way of enabling emotions to be acknowledged in the workplace - to be expressed, shared, processed and embraced, a counter to the overwhelming levels of workplace disengagement. This is the subject of the latest blog post.
I am also stepping up to develop my place as a speaker, on the topics storytelling, and its role in self awareness, connection and persuasion, the topic of emotions and emotional expression at work, and the impact of the simple but powerful tool of circle process to create connection and participation at work. So if you are looking for a speaker, please contact me, at this stage I am almost free!
I am also offering a Speakers Retreat, an individual and intensive program for women with significant speeches or presentations coming up. The idea is you take a couple of days out of your routine, and we work together, in between you writing, working, researching, thinking, walking and whatever you need to do to think deeply about your topic, and prepare to give a great speech.
And the details for Spiral Wise Impact, the flagship women’s leadership program are now up on the website here.
Still much work to do over the summer to refine details and offerings, but next year is to be a year of being out there! Hope you can join me on the journey.
Yours in story,