Story Wise Wrap Up: June 2017

The Moth Grand Slam Stage.JPG

G'Day Story Folk,  

This month has been a big one, telling a story in The Moth Grand Slam, that I will euphemistically call 'a learning experience'. Yes, I know another one, there seems to be no end to them in this storytelling life!

I have also been busy trying to wrestle what I know and believe about personal storytelling into a persuasive speech, complete with stories, of course.  

Story Wise Women has sold out for July and I have secured a new and slightly bigger venue for coming months, that I think will be perfect.  It is The Good Room in East Brunswick.  There will be drinks and a light supper available and a warm and cosy atmosphere.  

Story Wise Woodend in June had a great turn out with some really amazingly powerful and deep stories.

And this month's blog post is a touch provocative....

May all your stories mean something,
