Split the Difference - Part 2

Split the Difference - Part 2

In this second part of the first episode we hear three new segments. The first, 'Writers Writing' brings us local writers Dee White and John Marsden reading a piece of their own writing, set in the Macedon Ranges. Then in Dancing with democracy we begin to explore the idea of participation in democracy and finally in the Noticing Nature sandwich we enter the wonderful world of local frogs.

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Split the Difference -Part 1

Split the Difference -Part 1

Back with a new line up for a new season, we kick off what an interview with Woodend resident and central vic volunteer coordinator, Lisa Richards and we hear how the crisis has effected volunteering. We look at growth and fixed mindsets and how we can cultivate the more useful one. And in a new segment we start to excavate some of the stories from the history of the Macedon Ranges.

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Episode Ten - Loaves of Leaven

Lise from Macedon shares her passion for baking sour dough bread as the newly minted baker at Trentham’s historic Redbeard Bakery, and gives us some high drama along the way. We mark Reconciliation Week by learning who are the traditional owners are in the Macedon Ranges. And we explore a new way of challenging stressful thoughts - The Work of Byron Katie. And of course the latest instalment of Seven Little Australians.

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Episode 9 - Who Counts?

Episode Nine - Who Counts?

Gen, from the Macedon Ranges, tells us about her journey to leave a controlling and violent relationship. With great courage and wisdom she shares with us the steps she took and how much she appreciates Foodbank. We also hear the story of FAVI an amazing French company that for over thirsty years ran on trust, autonomy and self managed teams. And of course the latest instalment of Seven Little Australians. 

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Episode 6 - Pokarekare Ana

Born across the ditch in New Zealand, now ten years in Macedon, Helen Palmer shares her experience of a recent funeral she attended. There’s a message from a Foodbank recipient and an invitation to offer what you can and ask for what you need. The third quarter takes on a new meaning, and as always Ethel Turner’s book Seven Little Australians transports us to a far away time and place.

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